Saturday 13 January 2018

"The Indian Education System"

Hey Everyone! and here we are with a topic that is not actually "science" but, is a major threat to science if it continues the way it is... Also, this article is my personal opinion on the Indian Education System based on my walk-through experience.
  I'd like to split this article into 3 major parts, 1) Schooling 2) Intermediate 3) Under Graduation. So, Let's get right into it,

First things first, "Schooling is the base of education" and School, this is the place where children are made to sit in rows with a finger on their lips and listen to whatever "Bla Bla Bla" the teacher does for hours. This is the place where children are made to memorize answers to questions and print them on a paper during exams. "Is school educating children or manufacturing printing press machines?" This is the place where Children are told what to think and not how to think. And, "what is the point of talking about freedom of speech and action when freedom of thought is being spoonfed". This is the place where teacher won't tell you why you're learning it but tells you how to memorize it. This is the place where teachers yell "Don't talk to each other" Seriously? There are 2-3 languages included in their syllabus. How are they supposed to learn to talk a language when they aren't supposed to communicate with each other? This is the place where History is a subject. I mean, teaching is fine. You got to know what happened in the past. But, why do they have to remember the dates and facts and print them? And, Art is totally dead here. Schools with Guitar classes, Dance lessons, etc., are a drop in the ocean in India! And India is one of those countries with incredible artistic talent. And the Education system is one reason why art is dying in India.

Intermediate, Well firstly, let me agree that it was 2 years of a tragedy of my life. When I chose maths and science as my field, I was pretty excited that I would be learning new things every day. But NO! instead, I was taught how to solve a multiple choice question in the shortest amount of time. There was no science at all! Okay, let me do it the professional way, Admitting the fact that most of the entrance exams are MCQ type... "The probability of choosing the right answer in most of the MCQ tests is 1/4" You know what that means? It means, even if you pick the dumbest person on the planet, the likelihood of him giving the right answer to a question is 1 out of every four times. Yeah, probability says it all! MCQ test is not the right way to test a student's intelligence. But, it is the perfect way if you are looking for those luckiest students. I am looking at you, "engineering colleges". Here, competition is given more importance than collaboration. Is it better to work together or compete against each other?  And the reservation system? I don't even want to talk about it. Art in Intermediate? don't even ask. Art in intermediate is a micro drop in the ocean!!

And here comes my favorite part, Engineering(Under Graduation). Firstly, Look a the Statistics shown in this image,

source: Google

Do you know the main reason behind that stupendous unemployment? "lack of communication skills!" Remember at the beginning of this article I told schooling is the base of education? Well, when the base is rotten, how do you expect the building to stand? And guess what? Every one of those engineering graduates had English in their syllabus for at least 12 years!! Then why do they lack communication skills right? I say, "The moment education system starts treating English as a language instead of teaching it as a subject, this will keep on happening" And, Laboratories in Engineering colleges. It is a place where students prove theories that are already proven, Measure quantities that are already measured. What is the point of repeating stuff? why shouldn't they try something new?

Conclusion, The education system in India lacks  just two things,


Came this far? Thanks for reading. Let me know in the comment section below if you want me to post more of these "personal view" articles on my blog. This is Anirudh Dasari Signing off... 

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